What is U.S. White Privilege?
CWS Definitions
What is White Privilege?: Contains the following:
- Definition of Race
- Definition of White People
- Definition of Privilege
- A CWS Analysis of Non-Ruling Class Whites
Historical Analysis
Robin Stoub: 'The Boot'
Margo Adair, 'The Wonder Breading of our Country'
Frances Kendall, 'Understanding White Privilege'
Sharon Martinas, 'Shinin' the Lite on White' (also contains cartoon by Bennet on Affirmative Action)
Sharon Martinas, 'What is White Privilege' (also contains graphic by Seth Newton: 'No one is free')
Analyzing Individual White Privilege Behavior
Alexa Hauser, 'Internalized Racial Superiority'
Cynthia Kaufman, 'A Users Guide to White Privilege'
Jona Olsson, 'Detour Spotting for White Anti-Racists'
Analyzing White Privilege In Social Justice Movements
CWS, 'The Strategy of the Slave Owners: Some History' (resource list)
Jan Adams and Rebecca Gordon, 'The Wackos at the Anti-Racism Conference'
NYC anti-racist activists, 'An Anti-Racist Coalition? We Have a Long Way to Go'
'A Place at the Table: a Sierra Roundtable on Race and Environment'
Chris Crass, 'Beyond the Whiteness — Global Capitalism and White Supremacy: thoughts on movement building and anti-racist organizing'
Chris Crass, 'Still We Rise: conversations with organizers on building global justice movements and ending war.'
CWS: Anti-Racism for Global Justice Project, 'Definitions from White Privilege Puzzle'
CWS, 'The Strategy of the Slave Owners' (see page 5 of the document)
Earl Ofari Hutchinson, 'Police Brutality: Where are the White Leftists?'
Frances Kendall, 'Barriers to Clarity' or 'What Keeps White People from Being Able to See Our Whiteness, and therefore, Our Privilege?'
Sharon Martinas, 'Identifying White Privilege Behavior in Grass Roots Movements'
Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez, 'Where Was the Color in Seattle?: Looking for reasons why the Great Battle was so white'
Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez, 'Looking for Color in the Anti-War Movement, Part 1: Why "Anti-War" has to be "Anti-Racist" too'
Hope Mohr, 'From OJ to Proposition 187 or, how to talk about racism and domestic violence'
Multi-racial group of NYC activists, 'An Open Letter to Activists Concerning Racism in Anti-War Movements'
David Portillo, 'Losing the Grassroots in Colorado'
Barbara Smith, 'Blacks and Gays: Healing the Great Divide.'
Articles by Tim Wise
White Privilege Conference